How to to make our handles using Tula Pink webbing?

ByAnnie “Catch All Caddy” Webbing Kit Addendum

By Kim Greenfeld


We opted to make our handles using Tula Pink webbing which makes super fast work of a normally tedious process.


  When working with nylon webbing, I like to slightly singe each cut end with a lighter to eliminate fraying;  you can also use a product like Fray Check.


Webbing Cutting Instructions:

• For the handle tabs, cut four 12” strips
• For the handles, cut two 19” strips


To Make Handle Tabs:

Insert 1 ½” of webbing into rectangle ring, fold over the webbing and sew to secure.  I like to make a ¾” box with an X inside.  I stitch this twice for extra security.  Make 4.  


To Make Handles:

Mark a line 4 ½” from each side.  Fold the webbing in half lengthwise and stitch between these marked lines.  I stitched at 1/8” intervals to secure—your thread will show, so pay attention to both your top and bottom thread.


To Complete Handle Units:

Follow the instructions in Section IIC of the pattern.


Webbing handles

How to make handles using Tula Pink webbing  How to make  handles using Tula Pink webbing