Tula Pink HomeMade Bundle Fabrics & Ribbons!
Unique & Limited Edition! A coordinated set of 8 Fat Quarters Fabrics by FreeSpirit and a 5 yd Designer Ribbon Pack - Tula Pink HomeMade Collection -Morning Color Way
Tula Pink created her HomeMade fabrics to celebrate the makers, sewists, and quilters.
Tula Pink HomeMade Bundle Fabrics and ribbons!
Link to a Fabulous video by Tula Pink explaining EVERYTHING!
Happy colors decorate these wonderful motifs of sewing machines, scissors, rulers, creative hands, pins and needles and cutting mats: the tools of the trade! Your trade!
A most wonderful way to create something unique and beautiful!
Do you want to explore the incredible world of Tula Pink through her fabric archives? Here is the link:
Tula Pink Fabric archives
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