New Neon Webbing 1" by Tula Pink!
May 3rd 2022, from Tula: I’ve become quite the little bag maker in recent times and webbing is the best way to make something look cool and finished.
But it’s been hard to find good colors – they come in red, black, navy – they’re pretty basic, kind of boring, so launching our own webbing was crazy! A lot of people asked if we were going to do a 1” since the first round was 1-1/2” so we have finally finished sampling the 1” and voila!
These are releasing in early June from Renaissance Ribbons. They do a fantastic job – the quality is insane, the feel is insane! It’s nice when a product you help develop ends up being the product you like the best. I’m just really happy with how they’ve produced these
Thank you Tula!

Total Game Changer for Bag Making!
So, now along with our six original 1-1/2” webbings we’re launching our new 1” webbings and in addition we’re adding a black and white option in both widths – a pure black and pure white option. We had to go through a couple of versions of this because in a woven product any color will always affect the color next to it. We got it right by weaving on a white warp and adding the black – as the other way made the white a silvery color. For retailers, it will come on 16-yard spools, and they are also offered in 2-yard bundles which are really nice to have on hand, just like I keep a stash of zippers, then you have a full assortment and can always cut it down to any size you need.
What I’ve done with the 1” webbings are to coordinate them back to the 1-1/2” webbings because often in a single bag you’ll have a wide webbing as a strap and additional webbing on the bag. I wanted them to coordinate without them being a total repeat of the 1-1/2”. I spent a lot of time choosing the colors of the 1-1/2” to match my fabrics so those colors are still good but again I didn’t want them to be a repeat so what I did was to reverse the colors – the 1” has the reverse colors in the stripes. If the lavender is on the outside of the 1-1/2” then it’s on the inside of the 1” so they coordinate but they also give you a slightly different emphasis on color. While coordinating they give you kind of a different color – i.e., one can feel very blue and the other one very pink.

Why Nylon Webbing? Here is Tula's answer:
I chose to work with nylon vs. cotton for a couple of reasons: one is the finish and two is the durability. The nylon webbing won’t show oil from your hands as easily and since you’re often carrying it by the handle the lighter colors especially will show dirt and break down very quickly.
I spend a lot of time on these bags and the last thing I want is for them to look dirty and old!
The other reason I really like the nylon is because of how you can finish it.
Unraveling is very normal because it’s a woven product and with cotton you can’t really do anything about that but with nylon when you trim it clean, although it will start to unravel over time, you can melt it which creates a solid edge which will not unravel. What’s nice about that is when you have an open end on a bag such as when making a duffle bag and the two pieces come together and meet (rather than being sewn into the seam) then they will stay nice over time and not unravel once they are melted.
How to use my webbing?
What I also wanted to show you is how these webbings go with my fabrics. A lot of them are going to overlap. I’m always looking for webbing that’s going to pick up something in the fabric that isn’t obvious, so I very rarely match the webbing. I’m less interested in matching because I want the webbing to stand out.
The webbing seems more special when it becomes a feature, and several combos can work.
Each one gives a different vibe so that’s fun to work with. I use the webbings to draw attention to the thing in the fabric I’m most in love with which is not always the main color in the fabric.
Whatever you’re making the webbing highlights what you want to highlight in the fabric.
These color combos speak to the fabric and create an additional language of color between the fabric and the webbing. So even though the colors seem sort of insane, there’s 100% a method to my madness!
And you can use more than one combo on a bag which I often do.
You can use all these webbings with all the fabrics -
I’m inspired to make just a webbing bag!
Having stuff like this on hand is super great if you often make bags. I think bags make the best gifts because quilts take forever and although they are special gifts, I personally have a really difficult time parting from a quilt after working on it months and months vs. a bag which I can make in a weekend.
Please join our new Tula Pink Monthly Kit Club, where we offer complete sewing kits to make bags from Tula Pink gorgeous fabrics, ribbons and webbing!
👉 Tula Pink Monthly Kit Club👈
we include a Tula Pink bonus/surprise every Month! 💗
For retailers, it will come on 16-yard spools- see the wholesale link: 👇
I am a retailer interested in Tula Pink Webbing Wholesale
They are also offered in 2-yard bundles which are really nice to have on hand, just like I keep a stash of zippers, then you have a full assortment and can always cut it down to any size you need.
2yd Bundles all colors Tula Pink Webbing 1"
And if one bag making subscription is not enough, you can still join the Tula Pink 4-Month Webbing Kit club- see below the 4 projects of the program:
Join the 4-Month Tula Pink Webbing Club
Inspired by Tula's bags, we offer you full kits, delivered at your door, everything included ...
My friend Anjela came by yesterday and fell in love with one of our Kit Club prototype!
That is the perfect fashionable sling!
Click to see the whole collection of Webbing
"Real close to be the best thing that just happened to be!
It just came out so right!
I do not think I will use any other webbing again! I just like it that much! This webbing makes a bag feeling elevated, gives it a more professional look.
Making bags is a great way to show well my fabric lines." ~ Tula Pink
Where did these colors come from?
All these colors are very crazy, out there, but they go with every thing I try to combine with! They all go together!
Tip on sealing the Webbing ends:
Nylon, polypropylene, and polyester webbing can all be sealed using an open flame. Hold the end of your webbing close to but not directly in the fire. Sweep the material back and forth close to the flame to evenly seal the ends. Do not catch the webbing on fire as it will create a burnt look on the end of your webbing.
Here are some behind the scenes images:
How do we weave this fabulous Tula Pink weaving? It all starts with very fine threads that have to be arranged perfectly right to form the warp, it is called warping.


This video showcases a brand new product line that I'm so excited to show you all! We've been hard at work with our friends at Renaissance Ribbons dialing in the most PERFECT webbing to use for bag making and I think we came up with exactly that!
Eek! Just look at how those color combos POP against the fabric!
More information coming soon!
Announced by Tula Pink on July 2020- here is the link to the video:
Transcription of the video
Tula July 20, 2021 Facebook Post
I’m not totally ready to show this yet because there’s a lot of information we don’t have but I want to show you what I’ve got so far. I want to keep this honest and not just full of hyperbole and not say that this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me because if I really had to go through and make a list, I don’t know that webbing is it but, it’s really close! I am crazy excited by how this turned out! Outside of a brand-new fabric line which is about the most excited I ever get, this is right up there.

I haven’t been this excited about something new in a really long time. It just came out so right. Sometimes when I’m developing a new product it is difficult to get it right. We have to go through several stages and it takes a really long time but this stuff just came in right, right, right and that pretty much never happens. Developing a product is painstaking especially if it’s something new that I haven’t done before. The company I’m working with – we’re developing it together and that’s what this is.
So, I’m talking about my webbing here.
I’ve made quite a lot of bags at this point and it’s a great way to show off fabric which is why I started doing it. {I was going to say you can’t make quilts all the time but of course that’s ridiculous, of course you can totally make quilts all the time – I do it.} Sometimes I just want to make something different, something that I can finish quickly. I can start a bag in the morning and usually have a bag by the end of day which is really nice.

I showed you this pattern a while ago, the Buckthorn from Noodlehead which I love. I loved making this pattern, it’s a great pattern and I really enjoyed it so I decided to try another one of her patterns called the Sandhill Sling.
I had to make a slight modification for my fabric but the pattern is beautifully written and incredibly easy to make. She calls for canvas which is a sturdier fabric than the quilting cotton I’m using so when I made the first one I made it without Soft and Stable and it felt a little too floppy. So I opened it up and sewed in some Soft and Stable, put the bag back together and it worked out beautifully. It’s super cool – it’s a one-armed bag and it even fits me and I didn’t alter it in any way. It’s a cool, throw-it-on bag with a front pocket.
Something I would like to point out is that I fussy-cut the flap to fit the pocket but if I tried to do it again I’m not sure that I could. So here finally is the green and blue webbing and I matched the interior to the webbing. This other bag is from the new Daydreamer fabric line and I used the accent colors from each fabric to choose the webbing. I used this iridescent hardware from Pink Door Fabrics and Emily Bags sells iridescent hardware too, I believe. Here’s another Sandhill Sling and on this one I used the slushy orange, hot watermelon combo.
I do have actual names for these colors but they’re new and I haven’t committed them to memory. I also wanted to make something little because even though this webbing is 1-1/2” wide, I always use 1-1/2” webbing even if a pattern calls for 1” webbing I just like a sturdy, heavy webbing.

So this is little and I’ve had this pattern forever – it’s a By Annie pattern – it’s just a cute catch-all bag. I hate making ends for things but I thought it was cute to put a little ribbon end on this one that matched the fabric. On the back of this I put this vinyl pocket that I got from Sew Hungry Hippy. She has a lot of cool vinyls. I would call this Tula Classic color palette with the hot pink/aqua combo. I haven’t been able to make all ones I want to make yet – I haven’t had the time.

So, let’s go through the colors. This one is bright soft pink – not so soft actually – a bright pink/tangerine orange. This one is a hot slushy watermelon and plum. Here is our soft dove gray with the neon yellow. Next the classic lime with a bright aqua. And the Tula Special, the blue aqua with the hot pink and lastly, the lavender with neon peach – amazing I know! I don’t remember picking them out.
Since I haven’t been able to make the last two bags, I’ll just show you what I’m planning on making just to give you an idea of colors.
I want to try making another pattern from Noodlehead called the Range Backpack. This one is formatted a little differently because I downloaded it as a pdf from her website because I wanted to try it now, now, now! For that one I want to use this copper hardware from Sally Tomato, which I always love, using the Daydreamer Flamingos. This one has a top and bottom and you’ll only get a peak of this lavender on the webbing but I think it will be really cool.
The pattern uses quite a lot of webbing because obviously to show off the webbing I want to make things that have a lot of webbing in them. The other one I have left to make is with this combo which is really my favorite (pink & orange) in terms of how it combines with all my fabrics (but I say that and I really don’t mean it, if I’m being honest). I’m still trying to decide but I’m thinking I might make the By Annie duffel bag with the Ultimate Travel Bag that goes on top because that one is so great for taking fabric and sewing supplies to retreats, etc. I’m thinking of using this one (pink/orange) on the Flamingo fabric but here’s the cool thing – when I laid it on the Fairy Dust from True Colors it’s almost exactly the same colors.
Here’s what I love about these webbing colors – I don’t know how this happened and I’m genuinely baffled by it myself – but all these colors are super crazy. These are not black and white, not pink and beige – these are pretty “out-there” color combinations and yet they all easily work with almost every fabric interchangeably.

I keep recombining the fabrics and webbing – they all totally work. Well, it’s not la huge mystery – I picked all the colors for the fabric and the webbing so I guess I shouldn’t be all that shocked by it.
Every time I try to match these up, every single one worked – each one was a valid option. I don’t feel like I will ever use any other webbing again – I just like it that much. I love the striped aspect of it and to me the webbing just makes a bag feel a bit elevated. I’ve never liked a fabric strap just “looks-wise” even though it’s totally comfortable. I always feel like the oils from your hands catch on a fabric strap and over time it breaks down really quickly and it starts to look dirty on the handle.
When I started making bags I fell in love with webbing, particularly nylon webbing, because it doesn’t absorb the oil from your hands and they last longer, look cleaner and it gives a slightly more professional look which I like especially since I was always so insecure about my bag-making abilities so any little kick of confidence I could give myself when the bag was put together, I wanted.
So webbing, I’m super excited!
1. Adjustable Yoga Mat Strap Wrap- Free Photo Tutorial on Sew4Home
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