First Renaissance Ribbons Sewing Kit !




 This Ribbon Kit includes :

  • 40” each of 2 coordinated ribbons: 1 ½” wide,  and 3/8" wide
  • One pack (1.1yd) of gorgeous French Velvet Border -5” wide
  • Zipper: we used the wide tape 30" long by Patterns byAnnie which is a size #5 YKK with a wider fabric tape and larger zipper pull than the size #3 YKK zip called for in the Becca Bags pattern. Works very nicely with the One-Zip technique on Becca.
  • One precut piece ( 24” by 8”) of coordinated Cotton printed Fabric by for the lining

As an option it includes:

Not included:

 You will have left over material ( ribbon, zipper and velvet border) to create more projects, such as a small size Becca Bag.

The bag is inspired by the Becca Bags pattern by Lazy Girl Designs.

Here we will only give you a few tips on sewing the ribbons and the velvet border to create your unique exterior fabric and learn how to stitch the ribbon straight to a zipper

Refer to the Becca Bag pattern for the One Zip Techique

Initial steps

  1. Start by cutting 22” long pieces of each ribbons, the velvet border and the foam or interfacing of your choice (22” long -7 ¼” tall). Cut off a 2” by 8” strip of the lining and save it to make the thin fabric zipper pull to finish your bag –Photo 1.

Cut and prep zipper as per the Becca Bags pattern (one zip technique)

  1. Place and stitch the bottom part of the narrow ribbon on top of the velvet border, covering the white edge, both Right Side up – Photo 2.
  2. Place the zipper Right Side up on top of the lining RS up and stitch 1/8” from the top edge of the zipper tape, to secure the zipper as a first step - Photo 3.
  3. Place the zipper and lining on top of the interfacing piece – fusible side up. Stitch at ¼” from the edge. – Photo 4.
  4. Open and separate the lining from the interfacing, do not press. Position the 1 ½” wide ribbon on the zipper tape – if your ribbons is directional, be sure to place it top of ribbon towards the zipper teeth –see photo 5.
  5. Stitch the ribbon on top of the zipper/lining, through all layers including the zipper, lining fabric and foam/interfacing. We suggest an invisible filament thread or a thread color matching the ribbon background. Trim excess interfacing at the seam connecting ribbon and zipper – Photo 6
  6. Fold back the lining very well, so that it lays flat, because in the next step it will stitched- all together - Photo 7
  7. Place the velvet border with the 3/8” ribbon along bottom edge of the 1 ½” wide ribbon, sew together a zig zag stitch to join them (at this point they will all be stitched on the interfacing for extra stability) - Photo 8…. You are almost done!
  8. Press both sides so that the interface gets fused to the lining. Then follow instructions on your Becca Bag Pattern.

Please follow us as we have many more special kits to offer!

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